Before I can start repairing the huge amount of rust in the '66 I need to remove all the old repair panels that have been welded over the rust holes.

Rear bumper mount was the wrong type and badly welded in place with only the top edge welded to the remains of the old mount.
So I snapped it off!
With the rest to be removed later.
Moving to the front quarter, as is typical a repair patch had been welded over where the front of the heater channel had rotted out.

After cutting out this "repair" panel I found a lot of rot and what used to be a heater channel.
I already knew that the channels would need completely replacing as they are rotten along the entire length of the body.
One of the things I would like to do when fitting new heater channels and front quarter panels is to keep (replace) the original panel line as seen in this photo at the top of the tape measure. The point of the tape is a visual reminder that on my car this line should be 60mm from the underside of the floor.

This is the nearside front quarter after removing another similar panel. This side is worse though as none of the original panel base is left.
Again the heater channel behind is shot.
The rear edge of the above panel proper mangled!